AM/FM Radio Fun Facts

AM/FM Radio Fun Facts

  1. The first Wireless Radio Broadcast happened in 1906.
  2. Reginald Aubrey Fessenden invented AM radio
  3. AM stands for amplitude modulation
  4. KDKA in Pittsburgh, most often cited as the first radio outlet in the United States.
  5. The first radio show happened in 1916.
  6. In 1933, FM radio was patented
  7. Edwin H. Armstrong invented FM radio.
  8. FM stands for frequency modulation
  9. In 1937, W1XOJ became the first FM radio station.
  10. The first FM radio tower is still in use today.
  11. The Scott 350 was the world's first FM Stereo receiver. Manufactured in 1961.
  12. More than 243 million Americans listen to the radio each month.
  13. Country is the most commonly listened to radio station type.
  14. There Are 15,330 U.S. Radio Stations
  15. Americans listen to the radio an average of 106 minutes a day.
  16. Radio is a 20 billion dollar a year industry.
456 E Juanita Ave Suite 8
Mesa, AZ 85204
(480) 207-1511
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