The Top 5 Best VCRs Of 2021
5 Reigning champions of the VCR world
Buying a VCR can seem intimidating if you aren't around them regularly. Luckily, we here at SpenCertified spend every day around them, so we have the most experience when it comes to picking the best VCR. Purchase any VCR from our list below and you won't go wrong.
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1. Panasonic PV-D4744S
This Panasonic DVD/VCR combo player is built to last. It has a flawless mechanical design. The tuner on the back allows you to get cable TV programs to your TV. You can also record them onto a VHS tape.
2. Magnavox DV220MW9
Use this Best Selling device to easily play VHS tapes and DVDs on one channel, using only one remote. Dolby Digital enables the best sound quality for this player with 'Virtual Surround Sound Effect'. Save some space in your entertainment center with this 2-in-1 player! The DV220MW9 is a common go-to for people who have some experience with DVD VCRs or need to buy one, so get yours soon!
Use this beautiful, versatile Toshiba VHS to DVD recorder to easily transfer your old VHS memories to DVD, or just simply watch DVDs and VHS tapes. Save some space in your entertainment center with this 2-in-1 recorder!
4.Panasonic PV-V4620
This Panasonic VCR is a great Hi-Fi Machine that is so reliable that it will be the last VCR you ever purchase. The PV-V4620 is a tried and true classic built to serve every VHS need that you have. This bad mama jama is fine as she can be.
5. Sony SLV-D380P
Use this easy to set up, and versatile Sony to play your favorite DVDs and VHS tapes without taking so much space. With its simple 2-in-1 design, this combo makes things easier and enjoyable for anyone.
Hopefully this Top 5 reveals some insight to your VCR buying dilemma and can help you out. If not, you can read further about features with the link below. You can contact us at the number below.
Check out all our VCRs by clicking here.
But wait, there's more!!
We had so many VCRs in our Top 5 that we had to make a bonus list of 5 more! Here are some more amazing examples of VCRs we think you should take a look at. There might be more to come in the future, so stay tuned and thank you for giving us your time.
1. Magnavox ZV427MG9
This is one of the best and most reliable VHS to DVD recorder models that were ever manufactured. Use the beautiful, sleek Magnavox combo recorder to easily archive your old VHS memories onto DVD, or watch DVDs and VHS tapes individually. The HDMI port supplies modern technology that will work perfectly with your smart TV, while providing the highest quality playback for DVDs and VHS tapes; DVDs will upconvert to 1080p. Save some space in your entertainment center with this HDMI 2-in-1 recorder!
2. Sony SLV-695HF
The Sony SLV-695HF VCR Video Tape Recorder offers many features that produce high quality picture and playback. Its quality ensures longevity and dependability. It also offers the unique ability to easily locate programs to record through the VCRPlus+ feature. The large LCD screen lets you easily see what function you are wanting it to do. While you can do a quick search scan to pinpoint a certain moment in tape by using the large Jog Shuttle. This is a great option if you want a slimmer VCR with what you can expect from Sony.
3. Samsung DVD-VR375
This Samsung DVD/VCR Recorder has all the style and sophistication that has made Samsung famous. From the sleek finish to the simplified button layout on the front, you will see that everything on this DVD/VCR is top-notch. With its wide array of features like the STB Pass-Through which, lets you see the signal input on your TV even while the Samsung is powered off, this Recorder makes light work of all your recording needs.
4. Sanyo VWM-950
Being the most budget friendly VCR on this list, the Sanyo carries its own weight compared to its more well known competitors. The easy to use unit lets anyone quickly watch their old tapes without much effort. As a basic VCR the Sanyo cannot be beaten.
5. Mitsubishi HS-U748
As one of the most underrated VCR players on the market. It has a timeless design that carries an array of additional features such as VHS Hi Fi recording/playback, high speed fast forward and rewinding mechanics, among others features that result in a high quality recording and playback experience. This device also comes equipped with VCR Plus for additional cable recording capabilities. This one specifically is equipped with VCR Plus+ GOLD, which was a drastic improvement over the previous iterations.
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