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Yes, you can still buy a VHS Player! Although they are not produced anymore, there are tons of used and refurbished models available in our store.
Where can I buy a VCR?
VCR’s are hard to come by nowadays, but you can buy a VCR at our store! We have numerous models to choose from. Click here to check out what we currently have in stock.
You may want a VCR for multiple reasons. Whether you still have timeless VHS Tapes laying around, record your favorite TV Programs, the fact that they’re easier to edit or even how VHS tapes last so long.
VCR stands for Video Cassette Recorder.
VHS stands for Video Home System.
This feature allows you to rapidly rewind your VHS tapes, rather than having long waiting times for your VHS tape to fully rewind.
This feature allows for 2 way recording, transferring from VHS to VHS, or VHS to DVD.
This features allows to you view both VHS tapes and DVDs.
S-VHS is a high-quality video recording format. S-VHS VCRs use specially formulated tapes to deliver up to 60% higher horizontal resolution than standard VHS; while standard VHS delivers 240 lines of resolution, S-VHS delivers 400. D-VHS stands for "Digital VHS." When connected to a compatible HDTV tuner, a D-VHS VCR can record HDTV programs in full resolution, along with their accompanying multichannel soundtracks. D-VHS currently offers the highest resolution recording and playback of any consumer video format.
This allows you to use your VHS Player in High Definition to get the highest quality available.
This feature allows you to use mono audio which is a single audio channel or Hi-Fi audio which refers to high-quality reproduction of sound which includes more than one audio channel. Basically you want a Hi-Fi and not a Mono.
Devices with built in tuners allow you to schedule recordings without having your TV tuned to a specific channel. It allows you to record a show while watching another show.
On a VCR, a combined jog/shuttle control may take the form of a large dial, button, or joystick. This convenient, all-in-one control usually provides most or all tape playback modes including play, stop, and pause, as well as fast forward, rewind, slow motion, and frame-by-frame.
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