Purchase with the confidence that we will do everything we can to ensure you receive the correct item, on time, every time. Our money back guarantee means that if you aren't satisfied with the item you receive, we will do whatever we can to make you another happy SpenCertified customer. If the item isn't working, contact us immediately to have the problem rectified. We sell only products that have been fully SpenCertified, but due to the age of our products and shipping complications, items might not arrive in the same condition we sent them. This is in no way your fault and we will remedy the situation in a way that suits you best. When we have an item listed, that is usually the only one of that item we have in inventory, so substitutions will have to be made. Oftentimes we will substitute an item that is similar in make and model to make sure that all your vintage audio/visual needs are met. We will do everything we can to get you an item that is fully operational and up to our strict standards. We stand behind every product we sell, but sometimes there just isn't a way to find you an item that will function according to your needs. In most cases we will issue you a store credit for the amount paid so that you can still gain years of enjoyment from our vintage products. Our last resort is to issue you a refund, because this always feels like we have failed you as a customer and we don't want to fail you. We want nothing more than to see you happy and enjoying our vintage products, and will do anything and everything we can to make sure that happens.
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